Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Mayne Island and Book Review

I arrived back from four days at Mayne Island with my family late yesterday. We had a great time! The weather was perfect, warm and sunny on all days. I got to hold baby J lots and lots! I didn't do any knitting the entire weekend, but I did a lot of reading!

I finished Fair is the Rose by Liz Curtis Higgs in four days. This book is the second in a series of four. I loved the first book in this series, and this book continued the story. I enjoyed the book and found it to be a real page turner. Unfortunately there were some aspects of the story that made it hard to believe. At the begining of the book Jamie loves and is married to Leana, but during the book due to a records decreapancy, he is forced into a loveless marriage to her sister Rose, but ends up loving her too. I know the story is based in 1790 but can a love that deep be changed from one one sister to another so quickly? Overall I still enjoyed it and I still plan to read the last two books in the series.
While clicking through Ravelry at work (don't tell my boss :P ) found this stitch dictionary. Since I don't have any stitch dictionaries in book format I found this really interesting. There was a dishcloth made from the waffle stitch that looked cool. I might make a dishcloths with that stitch someday just to learn something new.
Hope everyone had a great Canada Day holiday! Did anyone go to the Vancouver Jazz Festival?

1 comment:

Monica (aka monnibo) said...

Mayne Island... I am soooo jealous!

Sounds like a neat book. And I agree with you -- sometimes the love in books seems a bit fickle. Take a classic example of Romeo & Juliet... before he met Juliet, he was in love with Rosaline! Whatever happened to her?!