Tuesday, October 27, 2009

FO: Baby Hat

My knitting has been going very slowly lately but I was able to finish this cute little baby hat. It's meant for a 2-3 month old but boy is it tiny. I'd love the see the baby who fits this one! I have 3 friends (and my sister) who are pregnant so we'll see who has a boy first.

The pattern is Purple Baby Hats (I did version B and knit 3 and 1/2 inches between the end of the cuff and starting the decreases.) and it's made from some left over Malabrigo that a Chelle gave to me. I had just enough for the hat.

Isn't it so cute!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Friday's Fave Five

Hosted by Susanne who says: "Welcome to Friday's Fave Five. Join me as I reflect back on the week and find my five favorite things. It's a way that I try to keep a thankful attitude and look for those blessings, both large and small."

Join here.

1) My new laptop! After not having a computer at home for almost 1 year I'm back online. :)

2) Christian bloggers: I find it so encouraging to know that there are other Christians all over the world, and I love reading the blogs of other Christians. I'm enjoying seeing some of them via FFF, and also through Then Sings my Soul Saturdays.

3) Dinners made for me: This week my brother's girlfriend invited me to her house for dinner. Not only was that nice, but the food was good too! Mmmmm....home made apple pie.

4)New books: The Richmond Friend's of the Library held their yearly book sale last weekend. I brought two books for one dollars each. New to the to-be-read pile is Sarah by Marek Halter and Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babbitt.

5) Girls Night: Two of my good friends are coming over tonight for our a girls only night. Tonight will be a relaxing, chat filled evening. In fact I better go before they get here!

Have a great weekend everyone!