Thursday, March 20, 2008

My poor swap pal

A couple of weeks ago I joined the Longing for Spring Swap. The deadline for sending your packages has come and gone. 13 days ago I got an email from my swap pal saying that she had mailed the package to me. 3 days later I mailed the package to my down stream pal in the States. The package I mailed was later received by swap pal. (Quite quickly too!) I still have not received the package from my pal. Who appearently was quite worried, because I received an email from the swap co-ordinator asking if I had received it yet. I decided not to worry because I know that mail in Canada can be quite slow sometimes. (I get jealous of the UK sometimes!) Now the Easter long weekend is here, it will probably hold up the process even more. I'm holding out hope that it will arrive on Tuesday, right after the long weekend. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!

I have no new knitting news. Due to the rotten cold I caught last week I have not been knitting at all! I do plan on picking up the needles tonight though to work on another bib for my sister and her baby that is due in only 8 more weeks!!!

1 comment:

cindybmw2004 said...

Help me please. Your package came back to be as undeliverable as addressed. I can't send you an email as that comes back also. I didn't want you to know who I was until you received the package, but I have to have you email me. My email is the same as my blog name but at