Monday, April 21, 2008

I did it! I did it! I did it!

Each year Vancouver hosts the 10 km Vancouver Sun Run. Its the largest race in Canada and second largest in North America. This year 59,179 people were registered to participate! I have been training since the middle of January for this race. Yesterday arrived with cold and windy weather, but thankfully no rain or snow. (yes we actually had some snow on Saturday!) The race started and 9:00 and in waves the runners raced past the starting line. All times are measured by a timing chip on your shoe so your official time starts not at 9:00 but whenever you get through the start line. I ran the entire race by myself and met with my running group teammates before and after the race.

So enough preamble what time did I get?.....I did it in 1 hour and 5 minutes! This is my unofficial time (cell phone timed) as the official times don't get posted on the internet until Thursday and I have not yet bought The Vancouver Sun Newspaper where the official times are listed. But I still think this is pretty good. I beat last years time by 7 minutes and for me that great!

Yes, yesterday was an exciting day in the life of Julia. Don't ask about today as I'm walking a little gimpy with sore muscles! Does anyone in blogland know a good massage therapist? One is is a super hot guy? :P Just kidding!

In other news.... Stephanie over at is having another contest. All you have to do is leave a comment on her post about the book. You can either win a copy of the book, or a canvas totebag. I have 3 similar bags because I'm all about being green lately and I'm trying not to use plastic shopping bags anymore! Good luck!


Monica (aka monnibo) said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How was the weather for the Sun Run? I just got home. Are you headed to Our Town Cafe tonight?

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Congratulations, Julia. That's pretty awesome, and something to be proud of, for sure.

I've a brother and sister both living in the lower mainland... I'm in the Okanagan Valley. Compared to other bloggers on here, we're neighbors. Haha.

Alice -- I Was Born2Cree8

Reba @ Reba’s Run